Climate ChangeAdaptation
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Climate adaptation is an essential strategy in the face of global climate change. As the world experiences more frequent and severe climate-related impacts such as rising temperatures, sea level rise, extreme weather events, and disruptions to ecosystems, the need for adaptation becomes increasingly urgent. While mitigation efforts (reducing greenhouse gas emissions) are crucial for addressing the root causes of climate change, adaptation focuses on reducing the vulnerability of societies, ecosystems, and economies to its effects.
As of today, anthropogenic activities are pumping three times CO2 into the earth’s atmosphere with respect to natural processes. Inevitability of climate impacts, increased frequency of extreme weather events, protection of vulnerable communities, preserving ecosystems and biodiversity, ensuring food and water security, reducing economic losses are some of the reasons climate adaptation is crucial in today’s climate landscape.
AIT RRC.AP Climate Change supports governments within Asia and the Pacific in developing and advancing their National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes by enhancing capacities and providing internationally tested tools and models. Institutional arrangements, gender sensitive approaches, integration of national development plans and linking them to Green Climate Fund Readiness Grants are areas we work within.
We have our in-house Adaptation Tools such as FloodS and S8 Downscaler software that assist in basic adaptation planning. We work closely with Hitachi Power Solutions to propose DioVISTA as a flood adaptation planning solution that contributes to disaster prevention. We work closely with Asia Pacific Adaptation Platform (AP-PLAT) designing and developing e-learning courses as a part of knowledge sharing.
Our Actions
The Capacity training workshop’s content materials and tools were specifically designed to align with the UNFCCC (2012) Technical Guidelines for the NAP Process . The UNFCCC Technical Guidelines, and its supplementary guidance documents. The workshop also provides useful information to participants on different aspects of the NAP process.