Youth Energy Academy
10 - 16 October 2022
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand
Are you committed to building renewable and fair energy systems?
Do you think community energy is part of the solution?
Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, locally appropriate, and renewable energy for all needs a faster and more inclusive transition that engages citizens and communities in meaningful ways. Young people have a crucial stake in designing the future, bringing energy and creativity to cultivate innovative solutions.
The Youth Energy Academy is an intensive 7-day program that introduces the challenges, opportunities, and approaches for youth to take an active role in contributing to the energy transition at the community level, with a focus on small-scale, decentralized applications. This fun program encourages you to dream big, take small steps, and have no fear to fail! Learn more about YEA here.

Team Application Requirements
3 to 4 team members
18 to 35 years of age;
A passion and interest in climate action, sustainability, renewable energy, community development, entrepreneurship, and related topics;
An initial idea of a problem or project in a community that can benefit from a small-scale renewable energy solution;
South or Southeast Asian Nationals currently residing in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, or VietNam;
An ability to understand and communicate well in English;
Willingness to take an active role in the YEA
Note: YEA does not cover visa, insurance, or health-related expenses for selected participants. This includes any medical exams, treatment, certificates, etc. Visit this link for updated entry measures to Thailand.
​Application Process
Read carefully about the programme and the FAQs;
Download the Team Summary template and coordinate with team members to complete their information. Uplade the form in PDF Format as "first name of the focal person_Country" (example: Ana_Philippines); and
Complete and submit the application form, including the Team Summary, in collaboration with team members by 22 August 2022 at 23:59 (UTC +7).
Keep in Mind!
Only complete team application submissions will be considered;
A minimum of 3 members is required. If selected, additional members can be considered.
Short video submission for the Team's motivations are welcomed and encouraged. Get creative!
Teams with a gender balance and diversity of expertise and backgrounds are encouraged. No previous knowledge is required; previously-selected teams include members with backgrounds in engineering and energy, community work, business, project management skills, etc. Women are encouraged to apply!
Team members are not required to have the same nationality, as long as all reside in the same locale and intend to develop a project idea together. YEA targets nationals of developing countries in Asia. AIT students and alumni are encouraged to apply.
Full scholarships will cover travel, shared on-campus accommodation (with the exception of AIT students), and training materials for selected participants.
For more information on the application process please read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Youth from which countries are eligible to apply for the Youth Energy Academy 2022?This year, YEA is welcoming applications by youth who are nationals of South or Southeast Asia and reside in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam.
Is there a fee for the YEA?No. If selected, the YEA will cover travel, accommodation and lodging, and training materials for the duration of the programme.
I am national of one of the countries listed above, but I do not live there. Can I still apply for a full scholarship?"Travel expenses to/from Thailand for participants outside of Southeast Asia will not be covered by YEA. Priority will be given to candidates currently residing in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and VietNam. However, the selection panel will also consider other aspects mentioned in the application form, including the potential to apply the skills acquired in a local community.
I am the focal person for my team. What do I need to do?The focal person will be the point of contact between the YEA organizers and your team before and during the YEA. Focal persons are usually responsible to ensuring that the team application is completed and submitted. We encourage all team members to work collaboratively.
I am a student at AIT. Can I apply?Yes; we encourage current AIT students to apply to YEA! While a regional programme, YEA aims to engage AIT students, faculty, and alumni, and other community members.
I have no experience with renewable energy and I don’t even know exactly how electricity works. Can I still apply?Absolutely! YEA aims to be as inclusive as possible, and requires no prior knowledge or experience in the subjects covered. If selected, you just need to bring an interest to learn and participate actively in all sessions.
I have studied energy and have previous knowledge about electricity. Is this course still relevant for me?Yes! The approach used in the YEA is quite different from traditional academic courses. Previous YEA participants with energy and/or engineering backgrounds report finding the sessions interesting and useful. The uniqueness of the YEA lies in the diversity and richness brought by participants.
What’s included in the scholarship?The YEA will cover all training-related costs including materials, travel, on-campus accommodation in shared double rooms, and meals are covered. Accommodation will not be included for selected participants that are currently enrolled and residing in AIT or Pathum Thani. The YEA does not cover any visa, insurance, or other health-related expenses, including those related to covid-19 (i.e., tests, medical certificates, insurance, hospitalization, medication, etc.).
What topics will be covered at the YEA?Following a balanced ratio of theoretical and practical sessions, YEA will cover a variety of topics related to the renewable energy transition and the role of decentralized and community-driven solutions. Sessions include solar technologies and applications, renewable energy policy considerations, community-based initiatives and models, social entrepreneurship, project financing, an introduction to electricity and energy systems, solar system design, among others. YEA is tailored to a Southeast Asian context, while focusing on many aspects related to the renewable energy transition and the role of decentralized renewable energy, its role in climate mitigation, and mostly its positive impacts in community development and resilience.
When and how will the selected participants be notified?Selected teams for the YEA 2022 will be notified in September via email. Please refrain from spontaneously contacting the organizers about the status of applications.
What do I need to keep in mind regarding travel requirements to and from Thailand in light of COVID-19?As of July 1, 2022, Thailand only requires a certificate of vaccination or an RT-PCR / Professional ATK COVID-19 test result issued within 72 hours before departure in order to enter the country. For the latest updates, visit https://tp.consular.go.th/ Selected participants travelling to from other Southeast Asian countries are strongly encourage to keep in mind any requirements to reenter after visiting Thailand.
I cannot find an answer to my question; who should I contact?Please email us energy.academy@rrcap.ait.ac.th You may also contact the Climate Change team at AIT-RRC.AP: +66 02 516 2124