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The royal palace in the heart of Bangkok


Regional Training Workshop 

Enhancing  Climate and Disaster Risks Resilient Cities in Asia and the Pacific

18-20 February 2025

Sukosol Hotel
Bangkok, Thailand

What We Do

What We Offer

RRC.AP's Climate Change Cluster provides capacity-building and knowledge sharing 

to government officials and other stakeholders in Asia and the Pacific

in four thematic areas:




Disaster Risk 


How we Do it

How We Do It

Our experience

Capacity Building

Comprehensive Training Programmes


Developed by a diverse team of experts, our training programmes ensure hands-on, practical training designed to capacitate participants with an extensive set of methodologies, techniques, and know-how to advance climate action.


Mentoring and Post-training Follow-up 


Offered in conjunction with training programmes, one-to-one sessions with experts and online forums provide participants with the possibility to get direct feedback and coaching from experienced professionals on how to move climate action plans or project proposals forward. 


Technical and Policy Advice


We support national adaptation planning and climate mitigation through technical and policy advice in accordance with the specific needs of each country. This includes supporting the development of monitoring and evaluation tools. 

Knowledge Sharing

Development of Knowledge Products


To complement our training programmes and mentoring services, we develop user-friendly outreach materials such as the “Beginner’s Guide to the Climate Change Mitigation Funding” describing policies and project cycles of selected international financial institutions; and a booklet on “Making the Climate Change Argument: Tips & Tricks on Writing a Winning Proposal” (see here) .




We organise events and activities with the aim to facilitate dialogue and knowledge exchange between stakeholders. For example, we are a core technical partner to the Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN), contributing as an organiser and moderator of several sessions of APAN´s Asia Pacific Adaptation Forum, held every two years.




Tropical Leaves

Our Work 




Participant  Countries



Capacity Building 



Knowledge Sharing Products and Events


Access to Climate



Capacity Building on Developing Project Proposals for Climate Change Adaptation and the GCF Simplified Approval Process for Thailand
This  five-day training programme is held in Bangkok, Thailand from 13-17 May 2019 with support from The Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) and the Ministry of Environment, Japan.

Capacity Building Programme
on Developing Concept Notes for the GCF including via the

Simplified Approval Process


Piloting a Programmatic Approach, this programme convened teams from Asia and the Pacific in an introductory workshop in November 2019 and an advanced workshop in February 2021.

Training Programme on the Economics of Climate Change Adaptation


The objective of the ECCA programme is to strengthen the capacity of participants to prepare high-quality economic analyses related to climate change adaptation projects and programmes...

Training Programme on Managing Project Preparation for Climate Change Adaptation


This training programme aims to develop skills that are essential for engaging in or supervising the preparation of bankable climate change adaptation projects...


Training Programme on Developing Climate Change Project Proposals for Pakistan


The programme strengthened the capacity of Pakistani government officials to access international climate finance, in particular for projects focusing on technologies for climate change mitigation... 


Training Programme on Mainstreaming Gender Considerations in Climate Change Adaptation Projects


This training programme provided tools to effectively and holistically mainstream gender considerations in climate change adaptation projects for submission...

Training Programme on GCF Policies, Processes and Procedures


This programme built and strengthened the institutional capacity of national entities in Nepal to mobilize and manage resources from the GCF...

Training Programme on Developing Climate Change Adaptation Projects for the Green Climate Fund


This workshop aimed to strengthen the capacities of countries in Asia and the Pacific to prepare concept notes specifically for the Simplified Approval Process (SAP) pilot scheme of the Green Climate Fund...

Training Programme on Accelerating Renewable Energy Deployment in Small Island Developing States (SIDS)


This program supported the development of project proposals to access climate finance by various stakeholders in Small Island Developing States...

Training Programme to Support Renewable Energy Deployment through Developing Project Proposals to Access Climate Finance


This joint AIT-MOEJ-IRENA five-day ‘training programme was held in Tokyo and Kobe from 23-27 October 2017...

Training Programme on Concept Note Development for the Green Climate Fund


This 10-day Training Programme provided participants with practical skills and technical support to develop a GCF Concept Note, a Project Preparation Facility (PPF) application...

Knowledge Sharing

Financial Schemes Assessment: A look into the Transfer of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Technologies 


This analysis examined factors for the successful transfer of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies in Asia... 

Webinar: Experiences of the SPREP as a Direct Access Entity to the Green Climate Fund

This webinar shared lessons learned by the Secretariat of the Pacific

Regional Environmental Programme in the project initiation, preparation, submission and implementation. 



Understanding Paradigm Shifts: Japan’s Efforts to Accelerate Developing Countries’ Access to the Green Climate Fund


The event aimed to catalyse an in-depth discussion on how project proponents can integrate a paradigm shift in project proposals...

Beginner's Guide to Climate Change Mitigation Funding


This booklet guide provides a brief overview of the operational modalities of several major international financial institutions offering resources for the mitigation of climate change... 

Making the Climate Change Argument


This short booklet provides a compilation of tips and tricks to strengthen climate change project proposals to be submitted to international or national financial institutions. 



Climate Change Adaptation

Climate Change Adaptation


Advanced Climate Change Downscaler Training Workshop


The training workshop aimed to enhance understanding of participants on current and future climate conditions at the local level, influenced both by global warming and urban/land use policies and plans...

Effective Monitoring of Climate Change Adaptation in Vietnam and Thailand: Contributions toward National Adaptation Plans Processes


A locally applicable monitoring system for measuring the adaptation progress was developed and demonstrated...

Knowledge Sharing

Asia Pacific Adaptation Network e-Communiqué



This newsletter provides up-to-date information on climate change adaptation activities happening in the Asia and the Pacific...  


Asia Pacific Adaptation Forum 2016


The “Adapting and Living Below 2°C: Bridging Gaps in Policies and Practices” Forum called for harnessing more local involvement in integrated adaptation planning...

Workshop on Advancing National Adaptation Planning and Implementation in Asia and the Pacific


This workshop was convened to share experiences in implementing NAPs and engaging with multiple stakeholders at all levels of society... 




Disaster Risk Reduction 


Training of Trainers on Building Cities and Local Governments’ Resilience to Climate and Disaster Risks


The objective of the programme is to enhance local governments' capacities to develop and implement Resilience Action Plans...

Regional Training Workshop on Building Cities and Local Governments' Resilience to Climate and Disaster Risks


The five-day training workshop will promote the importance of effective climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction at the local level...

Regional Resilience Workshop: Enhancing Resilient Livelihoods to Address the Climate Change, Disasters and Poverty Nexus in Asia


This joint FAO-AIT workshop seeked to validate the results of FAO's country-specific studies on the Disaster, Climate Change and Poverty Nexus...

Regional Training Workshop on Building Cities' Resilience to Climate and Disaster Risks


This programme is organized in collaboration with the Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Communities Network and the United Nations Office of Disaster Risk Reduction with an aim to enhance local governments' capacities to develop and implement Resilience Action Plans.


Climate Change Mitigation


Youth Energy Academy


The Youth Energy Academy is a unique and disruptive training programme brought to AIT for the first time in October 2019 with the support of the Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung Foundation. The programme aimed to equip young people with the hard and soft tools to start their own decentralized renewable energy projects. A second edition is currently under planning. 

Technology Assessment


From 2015-2018, AIT RRC.AP has engaged with policy and technical research projects informing strategies to promote the application and transfer of low-carbon technologies (LCT) to industry. In these efforts AIT has supported various capacity building efforts engaging stakeholders from government and the private sector.

Upcoming Events
Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific
3rd Floor, Outreach Building 
58 Moo 9, Km 42, Paholyothin Highway 
Asian Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 4
Klong Luang, Pathum Thani 12120, Thailand
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