The Climate Change Asia (CCA) initiative was established at the Asian Institute of Technology in 2016 with like-minded partners - the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies and the United States Agency for International Development - with the aim to build capacities of developing countries in Asia and the Pacific to access, mobilize and manage climate finance from various sources with a focus on the Green Climate Fund.
Capacity Building Programmes:
Our programmes equip participants with practical tools, insights, and the know-how to design sound project proposals through a learning-by-doing approach. We ensure that these are tailored to address the needs and demands of our stakeholders.
We also deliver specialized programmes such as the Economics of Climate Change Adaptation and Mainstreaming Gender Considerations into Adaptation Projects among others.
Mentoring Support:
Our experts offer one-to-one coaching, in person
or online, to provide direct feedback on draft
project proposals and offer advice on how to
move them forward.
Development of Knowledge Products:
To augment and complement our capacity building efforts and mentoring support, we develop user-friendly guides and other learning materials such as publications "Beginner's Guide to the Climate Change Mitigation Funding" and "Making the Climate
Change Argument: Tips and Tricks on Writing a Winning Proposal" (soon to be published).
Knowledge Sharing:
We believe there's a lot to learn from each other.
Therefore, we strive to foster dialogue and lesson
sharing between stakeholders through conferences,
workshops, webinars, and other events.

Achievements to Date

CCA Coordination Group Chair
Professor Mukand Singh Babel
(66) 254 5790
Contact Us
If you are interested in participating as a partner or receiving support, feel free to email us at
cca@ait.asia or contact directly
Alla Metelitsa
(66) 2 524 6237