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Hilly landscape in Autumn

Bangkok, Thailand 

Regional Training Workshop on Climate Adaptation Tools

29-31 May 2023

Sukosol Hotel
Bangkok, Thailand


The urgency to address climate change has increased considerably over the past few years as a result of advancements in both technologies of climate change and information dissemination. Clear climate data and information are required to identify climate threats as well as to provide decision-making for effective risk management as the accuracy and accessibility of climate data and information influence the decision-making process. The necessity of comprehensive climate change scenarios to assess both regional and national vulnerability and adaptation planning is becoming more crucial considering that the impacts caused by climate change are escalating and emerging nations are the most vulnerable and have the least capacity to adapt to them.


With the support of the Ministry of Environment, Japan (MoEJ), the Regional Resource Center for Asia and the Pacific at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT-RRC.AP) will be engaging with the people in the region in bridging the gap between science and its users to ensure adequate access and use of climate data and information. MoEJ has funded the creation of effective tools which allow developing nations to produce their own climate-related change scenarios and projections to use in impact studies, especially in situations where they have limited ability and resources.


Decision-makers may assure long-term sustainability by using climate information effectively to inform their investment and planning decision. This helps them avoid making choices that will restrict their alternatives in the future. Particularly for those authorities working in the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process, but also broadly applicable for other climate adaptation practitioners as well as for education purposes. These tools are freely available for use by emerging countries in order to comprehend and manage the development of climate predictions and impact scenarios for their regions. The three most recent tools are ClimoCast, S8DS for climate change downscaling and FloodS for flood forecasting.



The workshop will be guided by the following objectives:

  • To provide an overview and hands-on activity of an online tool that can be used to access and analyze climate data available from the web which provides higher accuracy in climate forecasting towards well-sound adaptation planning.

  • To build a regional effort to understand and predict the local implications of climate change based on state-of-the-science climate modeling.

  • To translate climate projection results into innovative and results-driven interventions and practices on the ground.


For any queries regarding the training workshop, please contact:


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