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Training of Trainers Workshop on
Building Cities' Resilience to Climate Change and Disaster Risks

7 - 11 May 2018,
Sukosol Hotel Conference Hall,
Bangkok, Thailand


Vulnerability of cities to weather-induced hazards is on the rise. Cities are particularly vulnerable to disasters due to the high concentration of people and economic assets, and in many cases, their hazard-prone location in coastal areas, along rivers, and in seismic zones. Rising sea levels, storm surges, floods and droughts have enormous impacts in urban areas, which are likely to intensify over time. Unfortunately, planning and development of cities has given little consideration to the consequences of climate-related and natural hazards. The implication of this reality is the need for countries to focus their collective energies to create a safer world for urban dwellers and develop a series of innovative approaches to meet this challenge. In this regard, building resilience and adapting
to climate change is crucial for cities, especially those in the Asia and the Pacific region.

Given the novelty of this area of work, there is a need to increase a number of national trainers in countries of the region, who can support national and local government officials with cities vulnerability assessment, planning and effective implementation of city resilience strategies and action plans in their respective countries.



To strengthen the capacity of national training institutions, master-trainers, and city government officials responsible for capacity development from the Asia and the Pacific region to deliver training on mainstreaming climate change adaptation and DRR in city development plans and strategies. 


Expected Results

The target audience for this ToT Workshop are carefully selected experts and potential trainers with experience in climate change adaptation and DRR, including the development of national or local plans and strategies; current job responsibilities that allow to broadly disseminate the acquired knowledge; and ability to conduct training of planners at the national and/or local level. Upon completion of the training programme, participants will have:


  • Acquired skills in conducting city vulnerability assessment and drafting Resilient City Action Plan

  • Developed training facilitation skills, including managing group dynamics and setting learning objectives;

  • Elaborated draft plans for organizing and convening similar training in their countries.

  • The Asia-Pacific Adaptation Information Platform4 (AP-PLAT) website will be used for hosting and storing 
    learning materials, case studies and tools to ensure knowledge sharing to all countries in the Asia and the Pacific region.




This practical Training of Trainers (ToT) Workshop has been designed by the Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific at the Asian Institute of Technology in cooperation with the United Nations Officer for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, United Nations Human Settlements Programme and the United Nations Development


Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific
3rd Floor, Outreach Building 
58 Moo 9, Km 42, Paholyothin Highway 
Asian Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 4
Klong Luang, Pathum Thani 12120, Thailand
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