Regional Training Workshop
Building Cities and Local Governments' Resilience to Climate and Disaster Risks
17-21 September 2018, The Sukosol Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
The Regional Training Workshop on Building Cities and Local Governments' Resilience to Climate and Disaster Risks, while promoting the importance of effective climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, will provide: an opportunity for cities and local governments to enhance the capacities of different stakeholders for developing and implementing city resilience action plans; a platform for in-depth learning, knowledge sharing and exchange of good practices among participants; and a space for city-to-city and multi-stakeholder cooperation for building resilience in cities by integrating climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction principles into cities wider development strategies, policies, plans and programmes.
Participating cities will have developed the following by the end of the training workshop:
Draft City Resilience Assessment Report
Draft Safe and Resilient City Action Plan
Draft Strategy Paper/Roadmap on how to finalize, ensure endorsement and effectively implement the Safe and Resilient City Action Plan
This course is organized by the Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific at the Asian Institute of Technology and the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction , with support of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia, and the Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group. Funding for this event has been provided by the Ministry of Environment of Japan.
Objectives and Expected Outcomes
The five-day training workshop will promote the importance of effective climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction at the local level. It will provide an opportunity for disaster prone cities in developing countries to mainstream disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation into local planning and policy development processes, using the Making Cities Resilient global campaign methodology, tools and templates based on UNISDR’s 10 Essentials for Building City Resilience, an operational framework of the Sendai Framework at local level.
Getting Ready for the Event
Presentations and Supporting Materials
Short videos on the 10 Essentials for Building City Resilience
Evaluation Forms
To coordinate travel arrangements or for any other logistics questions please email Ms. Lucksika Sabannga at Lucksika.Sabannga@rrcap.ait.ac.th.
For questions regarding course content please contact Ms. Ximena Apestegui at ximena@ait.asia.