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Regional Training Workshop on
 Building Cities' Resilience to Climate and Disaster Risks

24-28 February 2020, Sukosol Hotel Bangkok, Thailand

This capacity building workshop, while promoting the importance of effective climate change adaptation and disaster
risk reduction, will provide:

  • an opportunity for cities and local governments to enhance capacities of different stakeholders for developing and implementing city resilience action plans;

  • a platform for in-depth learning, knowledge sharing and exchange of good practices among participants;

  • a space for city-to-city and multi-stakeholder cooperation for building resilience in cities by integrating climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction principles into cities wider development strategies, policies, plans and programmes.



  • Contribute to mainstreaming disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation into local planning and policy development processes, using the Making Cities Resilient (MCR) global campaign and tools under the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) Ten Essentials for Making Cities Resilient in support of the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030). 

  • Increase political commitment and social demand for climate change and disaster resilient development, in line with the sustainable  development agenda. 

  • Link the process of cities and local governments' resilience baseline data compilation, resilience assessment reports, countries cases studies preparation, and monitoring and evaluation reporting with the Asia-Pacific Adaptation Information Platform (AP-PLAT)  to ensure open data and tools provision.

  • Learn the basics of how to engage in a large scale partnership between municipality and university that leverages tens of thousands of student and faculty hours to help advance local municipal resilience and sustainability goals;

  • Create a city resilience action plan to apply the new knowledge.


Target Participants


The training programme will be convene teams of participants from cities including representatives from:​

  • National and local government agencies.

  • National or Local Universities.

  • Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction stakeholders, including representatives from Civil Society.

Expected Results


By the end of the training, each participant city/local government will count with:

  • A group of trained cadres on the topics of disaster risk reduction and city resilience action planning

  • Draft City Resilience Assessment Reports

  • Draft City Resilience Action Plans

  • Draft Strategy Paper/Roadmap on how to finalize, ensure endorsement and effectively implement the City Climate and Disaster Resilience Action Plans

  • Asia-Pacific Adaptation Information Platform (AP-PLAT) website is used for hosting and storing training materials, case studies and tools to ensure open access to project data, best practices and tools sharing to all countries in the Asia and the Pacific region.

  • Co-lead future regional trainings, utilizing local experience combined with the international EPIC experience; and co-create a regional EPIC Asia network of institutions and municipalities that helps continue to expand the model regionally, but based more on locally-based peer to peer relationships, while still retaining a connection to EPIC-N international as a way to for continuous learning, sharing, and improving.





This course is organized by the Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific, at the Asian Institute of Technology  in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and The Educational Partnership for Innovation in Communities Network (EPIC-N), with the financial support of the â€‹Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan.

Training Resources and Materials

Please review the following before the Workshop

Workshop Resources

Useful Links

Educational Partnership for Innovation in Communities (EPIC-N)

Model for University - Community Partnerships 


The "Making Cities Resilient" Campaign

Let by  the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), this campaign supports local level efforts towards resilience.


Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform (AP-PLAT)

Platform compiling climate change risk information to support effective climate risk management through adaptation.


ARISE - Private Sector Alliance for Disaster Resilient Societies


Prevention Web - Knowledge Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction


C40 Climate Action Planning Resource Centre


Other reference documents and useful links

Note that the following links may not source all relevant reference documents for your country. 


Short videos:

10 Essentials for Building City Resilience

About the Organizer


The Asian Institute of Technology’s Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (AIT RRCAP), supports countries towards achieving their environment and sustainable development goals through the provision of capacity-building, knowledge sharing, policy advice, and research in the thematic areas of Climate Change, Air and Atmosphere, and Waste and Resource Management. Currently the services of AIT RRCAP in climate change are geared towards building capacities and skills of government officials and other stakeholders in Asia and the Pacific to effectively access climate finance, advance climate change action, and enhance disaster risk reduction efforts. To date, AIT has engaged over 900 stakeholders from nearly 40 countries across the region on activities focusing on climate action planning and access to finance, with a focus on the Adaptation Fund and Green Climate Fund.

Programme and Materials
Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific
3rd Floor, Outreach Building 
58 Moo 9, Km 42, Paholyothin Highway 
Asian Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 4
Klong Luang, Pathum Thani 12120, Thailand
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