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We´re going Virtual, but full of energy!

Call for Applications Open

**Deadline Extended to 5 August! 

After the success of the first Youth Energy Academy in 2019, the Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT-RRCAP) and the Sustainable Energy Youth Network (SEYN), with the support of the Regional Project Energy Security and Climate Change Asia-Pacific of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS-RECAP) are hosting a second edition in 2020.


Due to travel restrictions laid out in response to the covid-19 Pandemic, this year’s edition will be held virtually. Despite the challenges, the YEA organizing team will strive to deliver a unique and engaging programme.


Communities and cities in Asia are already experiencing the consequences of climate change. Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all needs a faster and more inclusive energy transition. With a growing population, higher energy demand and increasingly harsher climate change impacts, Asia needs to focus more on decentralized renewable energy (DRE) approaches.  DRE provides crosscutting benefits, including providing energy to the many millions of people that still lack access, especially in rural and inaccessible areas such as small islands, while also offering possibilities for community development.

The challenges, the scale of changes required, and the potential benefits of more citizen participation call for different forms of engagement from the individual to collective levels. The Youth Energy Academy explores these opportunities, highlighting the new role of the “prosumer” (producer + consumer), renewable energy community groups and cooperatives, entrepreneurship, and others, from practical perspective.

Young people have a crucial stake in the future. For their energy and creativity, there is great potential in involving young women and men in the energy transition, regardless of their background, educational or professional path. In efforts to address the gender gap in energy issues, we encourage young women to apply. 


Check out last year's video!


The Youth Energy Academy aims to build on and improve the first edition by increasing the implementation potential of projects and foster replicability across the region. More specifically the Virtual YEA aims to:
1.    Raise awareness about the need to shift to DRE approaches and the role of citizens in this transition.
2.    Promote the involvement of young people in DRE by sharing inspiring stories and projects led by other young people.
3.    Equip young people with the hard and soft skills and tools to design, organize and build small scale sustainable energy projects.
4.    Foster leadership, entrepreneurship and a “can-do” attitude, by encouraging young people to develop and apply skills in developing projects in their communities.
5.    Increase potential of project idea implementation after the Academy.
6.    Promote the replication and ripple effect across the region by equipping YEA alumni to train other people in small scale, decentralized renewable energy approaches.

Date and Format

The V-YEA will take place virtually between 28 September and 4 October 2020, through the Zoom platform, DIY videos, virtual tours, and other digital means. We are also planning some interesting options to keep the dynamics and the irreplaceable human contact, read on!

The programme

The 7-day Virtual Academy will include:

  • Theoretical sessions (max. 120 min a day) with key experts following daily themes.

Day 1           The Energy Trilemma

Climate Change, Energy Access, and Development

Day 2           Decentralized Renewable Energy (DRE)

Technologies in addressing the Energy Trilemma


Day 3           People Power

The role of individuals & communities in DRE: Examples from the region


Day 4           DRE on the ground

Virtual field trip to a DRE project


Day 5           Social Business

The role of social entrepreneurship models for renewable energy


Day 6          Mobilizing resources

Sources of funding for CRE and tips for drafting quality project proposals

Day 7           From idea to reality

Lessons learned from CRE Project Implementation: drivers & barriers for success   


  • Practical sessions including basic DIY workshops by trainers (video recordings and live sessions), group work on various topics covered in the theoretical sessions, exercises and feedback from trainers and experts.

  • Guided virtual tours, to sites showcasing decentralised renewable energy technologies and applications in Thailand.


The approach


The Academy will use participative, non-formal, and empowering methods aiming to boost creativity and inspire action. The cases and examples shown will come from knowledgeable, like-minded people, while also being realistic by illustrating the many challenges that are inherent to all projects.

The theoretical sessions over Zoom will use interactive presentations, case studies, group discussions and exercises, where teams will work simultaneously with the support of facilitators and trainers.

The practical sessions will give participants the opportunity to build their own simple energy systems using "Do-it-Yourself" (DIY) and "Do-it-Together" (DIT) approaches, appropriate technology and open source available designs. Teams will rely on the remote guidance of experienced SEYN trainers and whenever possible on in-person support of YEA mentors in their respective countries.

The virtual tours aim to serve a proxy for field visits in order for participants to gain insights on renewable energy technologies and real-life examples of technology applications in communities. 




Target Participants

The Virtual YEA will target teams of 2-5 people from South and Southeast Asia, ideally with a concrete project idea to be developed during the training. The team members do not necessarily have to be from the same nationality, as long as the geographical scope or the project idea is the same.

Selected teams will be asked to work together on-site during practical sessions and therefore should plan to demonstrate their ability to meet for the duration of the program. 
The selection panel will look for gender balance and diversity of expertise and backgrounds, combining participants with engineering and energy backgrounds, experience with community work, business, project management skills, etc.

The programme is free of charge. Besides the live sessions and dedicated videos, participants will receive the full support of the team of trainers and YEA mentors during the entire week. Materials and basic tools for the energy system will be provided by AIT-RRCAP to each team, though teams are also expected to play an active role in sourcing and reclaiming used materials.

Application Requirements

  • Teams of 2 to 5 people, ideally with a project idea under the themes of the Academy

  •  A Focal Point in charge of compiling the application and liaising with V-YEA Organizers if selected

  • 18 to 35 years of age

  • Nationals of South and Southeast Asian countries

  • English proficiency

  • Passion about sustainability, renewable energy, community development, entrepreneurship, climate action, or related topics

  • Commitment to actively participate and attend the entire programme

Note: Previous YEA applicants and alumni will be considered, as long as they apply as part of a team. Once again, women will be strongly encouraged to apply.

Application Process


  1. Read the info above and the FAQs

  2. Download the Team Summary Form template here, fill it in with each member's info and save it as "name of the focal point_Country" (example: John Doe_Thailand)

  3. The Team's Focal point complete and submit the online form, including the Team Summary Form by 5 August, 2020 (23:59 ICT)


  • Only complete team applications submitted through the online form will be considered.

  • A minimum of 2 members is required. Additional members could join the team if selected (up to a maximum of 5 people).

  • Submission for Team's motivations as part of the form can be done via  a short video instead of written answers. Get creative!

For more information on the application process please read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Organized by

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Supported by

Date & Format



Virtual YEA

28 September - 4 October 2020 

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Screenshot 2020-07-28 at 16.07.29.png
Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific
3rd Floor, Outreach Building 
58 Moo 9, Km 42, Paholyothin Highway 
Asian Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 4
Klong Luang, Pathum Thani 12120, Thailand
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