My Items

Regional Training Workshop on Building Cities Resilience to Climate and Disaster Risks
This training workshop is designed with an aim to assist city governments in building greater resilience to climate and disaster risks through integrating climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction into wider city development plans and strategies.

This training workshop is designed with an aim to assist city governments in building greater resilience to climate and
This training workshop is designed with an aim to assist city governments in building greater resilience to climate and disaster risks through integrating climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction into wider city development plans and strategies.

Webinar on accessing and using data and information for adaptation planning
The webinar will also be a designed platform for stakeholders, policy makers and developers to interact bridging the gap between the availability of technology and the needs of such planning strategy towards well sounded adaptation planning for future research and development in climate resiliency

Webinar on MCR2030: Capacity Building Models and Tools to Strengthen Cities Resilience in Asia and the Pacific
This webinar aims to help relevant stakeholders to learn more about practical applications of resilience building models, tools, and methodologies as well as various capacity-building approaches and methodologies used by different MCR2030 partner organisations in the cities of Asia and Pacific

Webinar on Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation: From Concept to Implementation
Reflections from experiences, and emerging priorities of key donors and implementing agencies in supporting nature-based solutions for adaptation and benefits of investing in natured-based solutions.

Climate Finance in Flux: how can finance flows steer resilience pathways that truly leave no one behind?
As part of the 7th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum, this virtual session will seek to gather reflections, insights, and lessons learnt on ongoing efforts, models, and priority areas to increase inclusion in resilience-building activities as enabled by finance and investments.

Collaborating Efforts to Strengthening Cities Resilience to Climate and Disaster Risks
As part of the 7th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum, this virtual session will explore key challenges and issues in the region to mainstream disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation into local planning and policy development processes.

Adapting to Climate Change: Strengthening Urban Water Resilience
As part of the Water Security and Climate Change Conference, this virtual session will contribute to sharing information, best practices, tools and approaches used to develop strategies towards water-secure urban settlements from disaster risks.