RRC.AP-AIT, together with the Sustainable Energy Youth Network (SEYN), have secured funding for a Energy Academy in Thailand to be held in 2019. This will be a unique training programme for young people in Asia wanting to take an active role in the fight against climate change and renewable energy deployment in their communities.
The innovative concept is based on SEYN’s experiences in southern Europe in training young people through Energy Academies and Energy Mastercourses.
The Asian Energy Academy will also rely on experienced local partners, such as the Yunus Centre at AIT, the Chiang Mai Universit, as well as, on the Konrad Adenaur Stiftung’s expertise and invaluable financial contribution for this event.
The aim of the training programme is to raise awareness, engage and support young people in the development of sustainable energy projects, by inviting practitioners and experts to run targeted hands-on sessions.
The programme will cover topics such as renewable energy technologies (RETs), energy efficiency, project development, community engagement, communications, and project financing, using non-formal and empowering methods. The Academy will also include workshops on "Do-it-Together" solar energy applications to further engage participants.
The Academy will benefit from RRCAP-AIT’s extensive experience in delivering capacity building programmes in Asia and will build on the innovative concept used in previous SEYN’s Academies and Energy Mastercourses, adapting it to the region, in partnership with organizations in Asia. The contribution of the Yunus Centre will bring a unique social business and entrepreneurship perspective and a “can-do” attitude that young participants will bring with them and apply to their future endeavours.
Details about dates and programme will be announced in 2019. Stay tuned!