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Small Island Developing States continue their efforts to accelerate renewable energy deployment

Updated: Feb 26, 2018

13 - 15 December 2017 | Suva, Fiji

A second Training Programme on Accelerating Renewable Energy Deployment in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) was convened on 13-15 December 2017 as a direct follow-up to the Training Programme to Support Renewable Energy Deployment through Developing Project Proposals to Access Climate Finance held in Tokyo and Kobe, Japan from 23-27 October 2017.

With a rich mix of new participants (from Nauru, Marshall Islands, Fiji, Tonga, Niue and Papua New Guinea) and those continuing from the training programme held in Japan in October (from Fiji, Palau, Samoa and Maldives), the project ideas presented by the different working groups exhibited varying levels of elaboration, but many show good prospects of submission to the Green Climate Fund.

Samoan participants working on their Biomass gasification project

The activity was organised by RRC.AP under the continued cooperation between the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, U.S. Department of State, and the International Renewable Energy Agency.

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