RRC.AP in close collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Japan, the University of Tsukuba, and Pacific Consultants is working to bring the climate change downscaling system called – S8DS downscaling - a dynamic downscaling model that produces high-resolution results with a simplified process targeting non-specialists of climate modelling, online for the easy access and operation. The results obtained from the S8DS will assist government officials, planners, and researchers in preparing adaptation plans, project proposals, and other activities.
Figure 1: Virtual training on pseudo global warming downscaling
In this regard, before making the service available online among wider stakeholders, the developers of the S8DS provided a first virtual training in 2020 on the most recent developments of the S8DS user-interface. The sessions included participants from a local Thailand-based public organisation, Highland Research and Development Institute (HRDI), researchers at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), and RRC.AP staff. The training kicked off for three days focusing on the theory of pseudo-global warming downscaling; the S8DS user-interface; and operation and maintenance of S8DS user-interface.
The S8DS system will be further piloted in 2021 with stakeholders from Thailand. The findings from the demonstration of the pilot model will be fed into improving the user-experience to be made more widely available.